Neteller: attacco phishing

Dei criminali sul web stanno tentando di ingannare i clienti di Neteller inviando delle emails false per ottenere i dati del conto. Questa settimana molti portali del settore hanno lanciato l’allarme, quindi se avete un conto fate attenzione. Di seguito riportiamo la mail sospetta.

Dear Customer,

According to our registries, we have recently detected that your account has been accessed from different IP addresses. This could be happening because your computer’s IP address is dynamic and varies constantly, or because you have used more than one computer to access your account.

Due to this event and in fulfillment with the current legislation, we have updated our computer systems to offer greater security to our clients, thus we will need you to access your account and verify its recent activity.

The security procedures require that you verify the activity in your account before December 11th, 2019. Otherwise, passed (sic) this date, our automated computer security system will suspend your account indefinitely.

In order to access your account and to verify its activity, you must click on the link below:

—- Link rimosso per motivi di sicurezza – assomiglia ad un link di neteller —–

We appreciate your help in this matter, as we work together for NETELLER to be a safe place to do businesses.

Customer Service Department

Mi raccomando ignorate questo messaggio e non cliccate sul link che vi porterà sul sito dei truffatori.